Pets of Another Galaxy....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sages and Guides

To be a guide on the side,
not a sage on the stage..

Yoda I am

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Three Kinds of Sith Lords

After being at Hoth and other God-forsaken parts of the Galaxy,
I can safely say there are three kinds of Sith Lords I know...

The separatists, the extremists and the terrorists...

The separatists are usually those who were once Jedis
But because of trials and tribulations
Accidents, failures and unanswered questions
They begin to doubt in the truth of the Jedi Code
Hence they embark on their own agendas
They begin on their own journeys...

The extremists are are those who believe only in absolutes
Much like the garlics I spoke of in my previous blog...
They are either black or white
Yes or no, will or will not..
Do or die,,
Rigid and stifling, the have no room for mercy or compassion
Empathy is never a necessary element...
Extremists ofteen become victims of their own absolutes
And all who cross their path have no peace..

The terrorists are those who abuse their power
Which comes with their rank, status and authority
These are the ones who use their power irresponsibly
For personal gain, recognition and glory..
They succumb to the Dark Side of the Force
They are agile, intelligent, even graceful,
They can tolerate much pressure, but unfortunately
They are the counter-class of Jedis..
Peace is not their mission
Deceit is their way of life..