Pets of Another Galaxy....

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tabuk's Wisdom

Feel me.
I am strong and fierce, yet I am soft and gentle.
I have much power, yet I am peaceful and loving.
I can defend myself, yet I remain kind and giving.
Feel who I am.
I have much joy and passion, yet I am not dramatic.
I do not indulge in negative emotions.

Don't try to outsmart your boss.
Take your focus and your energies away from what he is doing to you
Instead, focus on acknowledging who you are.
Become aware of your being, of the 'I AM presence' that you are.
As you turn your attention to building self-esteem,
your love of yourself and capacity to love others,
he will not be able to affect or harm you.

Observe how he is operating in the world -
dishonestly, out of fear and greed.
There is much weakness in the character of an individual who functions this way.
Have compassion for him.

Stand up for yourself, yes.
But do it with a sense of love and compassion.
It is about feeling your heart chakra,
and letting your strength and power come from your heart,
from love - and not from your fears.

Your fears cause you to be scattered, impulsive,
intense and overly dramatic.
The power of love in your heart allows you
to breathe deeply and slowly -
to pause, and then respond, not react.

No one has power over you unles you give them your power.
Take your power back.
Stop thinking and fearing and focusing energy on how he can hurt you.
This is how you give your power away.
Instead bless him.
Bless the outcome of the situation.
Finally, after you take right action and bless the results,
place it God's hands...
And remember your sense of humour.
You take things too seriously.
Tak the life-and-death attitude out of it.
Remove yourselve from indulging in the dramas,
and start enjoying the process of life, of growth.

Bless the good that will come form having to interact with him in your life.
You will learn and grow here.
The universe placed him in your life right now for a reason.
This situation, which you think is disempowering you,
is in truth just what you need to work with
in order to become more empowered.
If he wasn't there, you would have attracted
another situation and another person to treat you the same way,
in order to activate this very same lesson and healing.
So use this experience in this way.
And stop resisting who he is,
stop trying to change him.
Change yourself instead.

It's such a magnificent journey.
Enjoy it!

Excerpt from "Meeting Tabuk" by Ellen Lieberman Weil

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